Can you help us find BSE accredited Echocardiographers? With the demand for BSE accredited Echocardiographers at an all time high, Mediplacements are offering a lucrative referral bonus to help us generate candidates for locum and contracted positions available throughout the UK.
We are offering you an exclusive £300 incentive for referring BSE accredited Echocardiographers to Mediplacements, which is one of our highest paid referral bonuses to date!
-Referrals or SELF REFERRALS welcome
-Jobs available in all regions of the UK
-Highly paid locum positions
-BSE accredited only!
If you have a BSE Echocardiographer friend or colleague looking for locum work, please put them in touch with us as soon as possible to take advantage!
-There is also no limit to the number of colleagues you can recommend. We will reward you for every person that joins us following your introduction.
Refer your friend now by contacting Lisa Paul or Dan Cosgrove on 0845 230 6666 or email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
T&Cs apply: Candidates referred must be accredited with the British Cardiovascular Society (BSE). Minimum qualifying period applies; candidates must complete 150 hours work via Mediplacements for the full £300 to be paid. No limit to the number of people you can refer. Candidates must be new to Mediplacements.